Phytoenzyme cancer diet cure starts with learning about free radicals reaction
A person should start thinking on what to do to remain healthy and should not think about it only where there is a presence of disease. Good health results from supplying what the body needs on a daily bases. Disease results from lack of anti aging care and living without the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your body needs. You should know that you are responsible for your health and should take control of it before any disease would.
Fruits and vegetables rich diet
Several epidemiological studies reported that there is possibility to lower the incidence of cancer and other degenerative conditions if you take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. The preventive effect could be attributed to the numerous benefits these foods provide. They are low in fat and calories as well as provide various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. The phytochemicals are referred as medicinal compounds derived from plant extracts.
Researchers reported that fruits and vegetables contain many different phytonutrients that could enhance the immune system and prevent disease. The mechanisms of prevention involve enhanced enzymatic detoxification of harmful compounds, inhibition of their binding to cellular DNA, and detoxification of radical forms of carcinogens by the natural antioxidants.
Free radicals and diet in your anti aging care
Free radicals play an important part in the development of at least 2 diseases that were found to be responsible for the death of 2 out of every 3 deaths. It was reported that 43% of deaths in theUSwere caused by cardiovascular disease and 23% caused by cancer. The figures were reported by the Mayo clinic. The Surgeon Generals Report on Nutrition and Health stated that correcting dietary choices might lessen cancer risk by at least 35 to 60%. The National Cancer Institute made a move to open a Cancer Research Laboratory focused in exploring the role of diet in cancer prevention and treatment.
Free radicals are incomplete unstable molecule with missing electrons that steal electrons from another molecule. This creates a chain reaction of events that could result to a gain or lose of electrons from healthy molecules. The lose or gain process weakens the whole structure and damaged the cell membrane, tissue, organs, enzyme, or protein. You must be aware that there are certain parts of the body that are more susceptible to damage than others do.
Free radicals can attack and damage cells from the inside or outside of the cell. The main target is the mitochondria, Golgi functions, and the nuclear membrane. The damage to genetic material or DNA and RNA are being linked to cancer and cell abnormalities. Free radicals damage fatty compounds circulating in the blood stream. This causes damage because it releases more free radicals in the chain reaction. Free radicals destroy protein as you may see in cataract formation, kidney damage, and damage to haemoglobin cells including aging or collagen breakdown.
Free radicals create cross-linking, damage molecules, and make the cells split off to repair the injury. The cells could then rejoin with others to reform and reshape themselves. Cross-linkages cause aging and wrinkles. Free radicals cause proteins to fuse. An altered DNA creates useless debris and most of the time produces cancerous cells. They also react to form age pigments that could accumulate over time and interfere with cell function and life processes.
When the free radicals destroy cell membranes, they tend to interfere with the ability of the cell to absorb nutrients and expel waste products. In the absence of this ability, most cell dies. Any damage on cell membranes could lead to numerous degenerative problems and accelerated aging. Free radicals are the main cause of at least 80 different diseases such as heart disease and stroke, diabetes, macular degeneration, arthritis and lupus, pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, cataracts, allergies, asthma, neuropathy, inflammatory conditions, and Alzheimers and other neuro-degenerative diseases. Free radicals facilitate aging. For your anti aging care, you need to know that aging results from the loss of vital cells produced from free radical reactions. With each cell destroyed, you become one cell older since it cannot renew itself.
Fruits and vegetables protective relationship
Several studies demonstrated the intake of fruits and vegetables showed protective relationship to cancers of the lung, colon, breast, cervix, esophagus, mouth, throat, stomach, bladder, pancreas, and ovary. TheUSSurgeon General recommends 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. They are to be eaten raw or cooked. Most preferable way of cooking is lightly steamed and not microwaved. Microwave can destroy their delicate balance of anticarcinogenic ingredients.
Antioxidants nutrients possess the ability to destroy free radicals and prevent further free radical damage. Antioxidants help alleviate many diseases symptoms and side effects. Having low level of antioxidants will increase free radical activities, which are clearly associated with increased health problems. Taking antioxidant supplements can decrease risks for cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, macular degeneration, neuropathy, and other circulatory problems or degenerative conditions. You must know that being constantly exposed to environmental free radicals is a major contributor to the production of free radicals in the body.
Ley, B. M. (1998). Phytonutrients: Medicinal nutrients found in food. Ca: BL Publications.
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