Tuberculosis (TB) is an enormous problem with about 90 million new cases and nearly 30 million individuals dying each year. The disease has been considered as one of the world’s single infectious agents that really need awareness on how to enhance immune system. Although we are already aware of the emerging new cases and increasing number of deaths from this disease, past studies failed to discuss its economic impact on the affected individuals to motivate more aggressive anti aging care including raising public awareness about this disease. An estimated 2.7 million person died from TB in 1992.
What happens when you have TB?
Treatment of the disease carries its own direct and indirect costs such as TB screening, contact investigations, hospital and institutional infection control programs, preventive therapy, and the patient’s lost income during recovery or treatment period. The organisms seem to multiply faster and sometimes happen to be resistant to anti-TB drugs. Other things that may happen are the early or late complications and the effects of these complications to mortality, costs, and morbidity. The social consequences may be a bit demoralizing since an individual known with TB may lose employment, decrease likelihood of marriage, and may face isolation. You need to learn the proper way to enhance immune system and help your body fight the bacteria.
What is tuberculosis?
Tuberculosis is a chronic disease that usually manifest as pulmonary or extrapulmonary disease. The disease progresses slowly except among immunocompromised individuals. This means that a patient may not show any pulmonary indications or inflammatory infiltration but could have progressed to different levels of pulmonary damage and cavitation.
Measuring the TB infection for more aggressive anti aging care tuberculosis treatment
There are about 8 million new cases of tuberculosis diagnosed each year. About 90% of the population were found to be living in developing countries. In developing countries, the usual tools were only sputum sample for acid-fast bacilli (AFB) and occasional chest x-rays.
AFB microscopy may be considered as highly specific but it has significant limitations too. The diagnosis is limited only to relatively advanced TB and sensitivity may vary among laboratories. The AFB requires repeat visits to acquire 3 samples. The test is tedious with high risk of transmission to laboratory staff. The requirement for repeat visits may result to significant patient dropout.
There were efforts to devise antibody detection based diagnostic test for active TB. This test is based on detection of humoral immune responses. There were extensive work but no adequate sensitivity and specificity has emerged as of todate.
Tuberculin skin test helps detect the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. The test is based on detection of M. tuberculosis specific antigens and the host immune responses to specific antigens.
Type of tuberculosis for anti aging care tuberculosis treatment
The best way to develop program for tuberculosis treatment is to identify different types of TB patients such as smear-positive TB patients, smear-negative pulmonary disease, and other forms of paucibacillary disease. In addition, TB may appear as coinfection with HIV.
Smear-positive TB patients display high bacterial loads in their lungs. There could be indications of developed cavitary lesions where the bacteria replicate extracellularly. An enhance immune system is needed to control invasion and spread of bacteria.
Semar-negative pulmonary TB have lower bacillary loads. They lack cavitary lesions with presumably intracellular ongoing bacterial replication.
Other forms of paucibacillary disease include pediatric TB cases, TB meningities, skeletal TB, genitourinary TB, gastrointestinal TB, TB lymphadenitis, cutaneous TB, and many more forms in the list of paucibacillary diseases. The bacteria tend to survive in a completely different environment.
Coinfection with HIV are present with HIV infected individuals. The TB progresses rapidly. The immune dysfunction and poor or no delayed type hypersensitivity responses preclude formation of cavitary lesions. The patient demonstrates high bacillary load in the lungs but may show normal chest x-rays. Paucibacillary sputum smears may show normal or negative. This may also show normal pulmonary infiltration. For your anti aging care, you need to enhance immune system and fight bacteria effectively.
Enhance immune system to impact tuberculosis treatment
TB treatment may start by creating programs to enhance immune system. Vitamin C is a regulator of redox and metabolic checkpoints that controls activation and survival of immune cells. Chronic infection commonly involves malabsorption and malnutrition associated with altered cytokine patterns that influence the regional and the systemic immune response altering metabolism and growth. HIV and M. Tuberculosis problems are mostly affected by nutritional status that results to lower host defense. These infections are associated with reduced host defense because of nutrient deficiencies. Dietary restrictions on total calories, fat, iron, and protein among adult patients with induced hepa B viral replications may lessen the serum alanine aminotransferase levels without adverse effects.
Malnutrition is critical in anti aging care. You need to solve the malnutrition problem and enhance immune system by taking care of your diet. Micronutrient impairment is associated with progression of immune dysfunction and course of infection. Nutritional intervention may restore intestinal absorption and increase CD4 cell numbers.
Bloom, B. R. (1994). Tuberculosis: Pathogenesis, protection, and control.Washington,DC: American Society for Microbiology.
Cole, S. T. (2005). Tuberculosis and the tubercle bacillus.Washington,DC: ASM Press.
Dugan, C., Vatkins, J. B. & Walker, A. (2008). Nutrition in pediatrics: Basic science, clinical applications.Ontario: BC Decker Inc.
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