The scientific name of onion is Allium cepa. Onions contain a very powerful antioxidant named quercetin, which functions to neutralize or regulate the free radicals found in your body. Quercetin also protects cell membranes from damage. In one of the studies about cancer diet cure, it was found that quercetin might work to prevent blood clots and cancer cells from forming. For best cancer diet cure anti aging care, it would be wise to add more onions to your diet.
There are varieties of chemicals that the National Cancer institute believes are found in onions that work to inhibit the growth of cancer cells especially stomach cancer or gastrointestinal system related cancer diseases. In one of the studies about culture and diet, it was found that the inhabitants ofShandongprovince inChinaeat large amounts of garlic and onions. The population was able to cut their risk for stomach cancer in as much as 40%.
Onions for anti aging care to boost fruits and vegetables intake
Ancient people have been praising onion for its curative powers. The NCI supported a 5-day program meant to help boost an individual’s intake of fruits and vegetables that could at least make you take 5 servings each day. You can eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, which is equivalent to 5 ½ ounces of uncooked onions. This is also considered as 1 serving of onion.
Eat at least 1 Vitamin A rich food per day. One of the best characteristics of onion is to enhance the effects of other vegetables such as the carrots, spinach, beets, or winter squash.
Eat at least 1 Vitamin C rich food per day. Take note that onions are rich in Vitamin C.
Eat at least 1 high fiber food per day. It has been found that onions provide 2.7 grams of dietary fiber per serving. 1 serving of onion is about 5 ½ ounces, uncooked.
Eat vegetables from the cabbage family several times in a week. You may combine onions with salads or coleslaw.
Blood thinning qualities of onions for anti aging care
The quercetin in onions was found to prevent blood clots from forming. This means that onions can prevent you from developing stroke. The NOA reported that onions blood thinning ability came from the natural chemical adenosine. Adenosine has been shown to lower levels of LDL or bad cholesterol. Most individuals suffering from heart diseases are being advised to eat more raw onions to promote blood circulation, prevent blood clotting, and lower blood pressure levels.
Boost your immune system for anti aging care
The red and yellow onions have been found to promote immunity to allergic response. Quercetin has anti-inflammatory properties that act as antihistamine cromolyn to lessen allergies and asthma attacks.
What about the natural compound quercetin found in onions?
Quercetin is a phytonutrient that prevents allergies, asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, lung disorders, and cancer specifically prostate cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, and cervical cancer. The primary sources of quercetin are onions, apples, berries, cabbage, cauliflower, nuts, and tea.
How to prevent cancer cells formation?
It is known that the human body contains cancer cells most of the time. However, the body’s immune system seeks and destroys the cells before they could develop into a tumor and further damage other healthy tissues. The body’s immune system has an amazing network of controls, which are important for apoptosis cell regulating process. There are times that the body’s defenses are not strong enough to deal with cancer causing or carcinogenic toxins. The cancerous cells sometimes become out of control and perform metastasis. Metastasis is the process where cancer cells infiltrate various organs and tissues. A person may be diagnosed for cancer during the metastasis stage.
Phytonutrients work on different levels against cancer. During apoptosis, some phytonutrients speed the process of regulating damaged cells while others serve to boost the immune system. Phytonutrients also function to protect the genetic material in the cells against damage. The apoptosis is important in the treatment and prevention of cancer. Below is a listing of what kind of foods you need to eat to fight cancer. Eat foods containing the following natural compounds to fight cancer
Alpha-caroteneAstaxanthinBeta-sisterolChlorogenic acidCryptoxanthinCurcuminEllagic acidFerulic acidHesperetinIndole-3-carbinolIsoflavonesLycopeneNaringinPerrillyl alcoholProanthocyanidinQuercetinResveratrolSaponinsSilymarinSulforaphaneTangeretinTerpene limonoidsZeaxanthinIndividuals with cancer need to detoxify their diets as well as choose foods and supplements that could help boost the body’s ability to detoxify and ensure optimum cellular functioning. You need to learn how to take out harmful substances out of your diet too. Pay attention to foods high in fat such as trans fats, hydrogenated fats, and those that contain artificial substances such as colors and additives.
Here are some known risks for cancer for your anti aging care
Age. Most cancers strike people over 45 years old. The link could be a result of poor dietary and lifestyle choices in life.Bad habits. Cancer is associated with smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and illicit drug use.Geographical location. Highly industrialized countries reported higher rates of certain cancer diseases than underdeveloped countries. This is because of the lifestyle, culture, diet, and the water and air quality of the environment.Environment. Exposure to carcinogens strain the immune system seriously such as cigarette smoke, pesticides, pollution, fragrances, and food additives.Poor diet. High fat intake is associated with breast, colon, ovarian, kidney, lung, and endometrial cancers. Low fiber intake is associated with colon cancer.Inactivity. Many cancers were linked with sedentary lifetyles.Family history. Genetics, poor dietary choices, sedentary lifestyles, bad habits shared by members of the family often times result to cancer.Income. Lower income is associated with stomach cancer, lung cancer, cervical cancer, and cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus. Higher income is linked to skin cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer. The main caused could be lots of processed and packaged food in the diet for the higher income individuals and not eating healthy natural foods for the lower income individuals.Education. People with lower levels of education are linked to higher incidence of cancer.References
Cook, M. S. (2010). The phytozyme cure.Ontario,Canada: John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.
Orey, C. (2000). The healing powers of vinegar: A complete guide to nature’s most remarkable remedy.New York: Kensington Books.
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