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Friday, May 25, 2012
Anti aging care fat weight loss tips to build lean muscle mass

Anabolism and catabolism occur simultaneously in the cell. The cell maintains tight and separate regulation of catabolism and anabolism. The cell serves the metabolic needs of the body in an immediate but very orderly fashion. For example, the enzymes responsible for catabolism of fatty acids are localized within the mitochondria such as the fatty acid oxidation pathway. In contrast, the fatty acid biosynthesis is being localized in the cytosol. You need to know the importance of metabolic chemistry awareness particularly molecular interactions during metabolism to be more precise with your anti aging care program and supplements.
How do you understand anabolism? What are the best fat weight loss tips to enhance the catabolism anabolism process?
The anabolism process performs synthesis of the useful substances found in food to form new larger substances such as protein. In achieving metabolism, the processes of catabolism and anabolism are very important for your anti aging care. Catabolism and anabolism is the process of breaking down the substances found in the food that you eat to form energy, which will support structural building such as muscle formation. In addition, the process also supports the body’s chemical reactions to promote more healthy functions.
How can you turn your anabolic switch to break the body’s secret code to build lean muscle mass for your anti aging care?
The anabolic switch can be turned on when your body is in survival mode. The anabolic switch has the capacity to stimulate the body’s muscular development. The only requirement is your knowledge on how to turn on this switch. The best way to understand the way your body works to rejuvenate tissues and build muscles is to read materials on how you need to regulate and enhance your body’s anabolic and catabolic potential. You must have known that your body is programmed to recreate itself every minute of your life.
Substances constantly move in and out of your body, such as air, food, water, waste, and carbon dioxide. The process to which these materials are built is called anabolism. The process to which these materials are being broken down and removed from the body is called catabolism. These are the major processes that regulate body fat, rate of aging, muscle mass, and your overall health. It is critical that you know how to regulate and balance your anabolic and catabolic forces because they are critical to survival. Keep this in mind. Anabolism is stimulated by catabolic activity while catabolism is stimulated by anabolic activity.
How do you understand catabolism?
Catabolism is the process of breaking down food from large substances into smaller and desirable format that could support the functions of the cells in your body, such as producing usable energy to support cellular body processes. It is a degradative process to create usable formats from large substances. For example, if you take food, catabolism will break down the food and extract the carbohydrates, proteins, or fats. The carbohydrates, proteins, or fats will then be converted from ingested form into usable forms of energy. The process will also release stored energy from your ingested food. Energy is being released from a series of catabolic reactions. Most fat weight loss tips may lead you to the understanding of the relationship of catabolism to your body’s metabolic rate for effective anti aging care.
Another good example is your resistance training, which is actually considered as catabolic activity. Resistance training tears muscle fibers and triggers an anabolic process that repairs the body and builds stronger muscles. These muscles are meant to handle more stress. This is the main reason why a novice resistance trainee who has just started to lift weights may tend to experience faster gain in muscularity and strength. However, the opposite may occur when a resistance trainee maximizes anabolic potential. Trained bodybuilders and powerlifters reaching peak muscular development most likely experience muscle waste and fail to gain more muscle mass or strength. They reach a certain stagnation point because anabolic potential was already maximized. This understanding is crucial when you are aiming to lose weight and build lean muscle mass as part of your anti aging care and fitness routines.
As you may notice, there are individuals who lose muscle mass at some point then surprisingly build lean muscle mass back again because of the muscle memory. Your body has its own muscle mass set point, which makes it regulate muscle gain or loss. This is the reason behind the times you feel weak even if you are complying with the right diet and exercise fitness routines. You should be aware that when you reach peak anabolic state, the catabolic activity of your body increases to try to shrink the body down to normal size. However, following a special dietary cycle, you are able to induce temporary catabolic state and stimulate anabolic potential to prohibit the body from reaching its stagnation point.
How do you maximize growth potential and build lean muscle mass?
To maximize and build lean muscle mass, you need to activate the hormones that are responsible for stimulating muscle growth. Stimulating your hormones actually turns on the switch of your anabolic process. You should know that fasting or under eating, sends a starvation like signal that could be perceived by your body as catabolic. To compensate for your missing food and to protect your body from metabolic breakdown, the body will react by boosting your anabolic activities. This process will tend to increase the capacity of the body to assimilate protein and other nutrients for maximum nutrient utilization from minimum food intake. This process also conserves muscle tissue by inhibiting protein breakdown.
At the cellular level, the most powerful catabolic anabolic process is activated during fasting or under eating. There is a dramatic increase of insulin like factor 1 commonly called as IGF1 receptors in muscle cell membranes. This increase creates a primal biological compensation mechanism that ensures survival when there is limited access to food. In fact, most studies about growth hormone revealed a positive correlation between hunger and stimulation of tissue building hormones. When you eat less, you trigger primal biological mechanism that helps your body adapt and survive in time of food deprivation. To take advantage of this powerful dietary under eating cycle, you need to avoid metabolic decline and muscle breakdown. This means controlling the length of under eating, which should not exceed over 24 hours. The incorporation of special recovery meals after exercise further enhances the overall metabolic impact on the muscles.
The energy produced and seen within the cell is responsible for the repair and growth of the body tissues. The catabolic reactions tend to produce carbon dioxide, energy, water, ATP, ammonia, and urea. The adenosine triphosphate compound or ATP is release during the catabolism process from the released synthesized energy. The ATP compound supports all cellular functions that need energy as well as stores energy for cellular functions. The cellular process includes contraction of muscle fibers and the synthesis of other necessary compounds.
Garrett, R. & Grisham, C. M. (2010). Biochemistry.Boston, Ma: Brooks/Cole.
Hofmekler, O. & Gallagher, M. (2008). Maximum muscle, minimum fat: The secret science behind physical transformation. Berkeley, Ca:North AtlanticBooks.
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Phytoenzyme cancer diet cure starts with learning about free radicals reaction
A person should start thinking on what to do to remain healthy and should not think about it only where there is a presence of disease. Good health results from supplying what the body needs on a daily bases. Disease results from lack of anti aging care and living without the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals your body needs. You should know that you are responsible for your health and should take control of it before any disease would.
Fruits and vegetables rich diet
Several epidemiological studies reported that there is possibility to lower the incidence of cancer and other degenerative conditions if you take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. The preventive effect could be attributed to the numerous benefits these foods provide. They are low in fat and calories as well as provide various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals. The phytochemicals are referred as medicinal compounds derived from plant extracts.
Researchers reported that fruits and vegetables contain many different phytonutrients that could enhance the immune system and prevent disease. The mechanisms of prevention involve enhanced enzymatic detoxification of harmful compounds, inhibition of their binding to cellular DNA, and detoxification of radical forms of carcinogens by the natural antioxidants.
Free radicals and diet in your anti aging care
Free radicals play an important part in the development of at least 2 diseases that were found to be responsible for the death of 2 out of every 3 deaths. It was reported that 43% of deaths in theUSwere caused by cardiovascular disease and 23% caused by cancer. The figures were reported by the Mayo clinic. The Surgeon Generals Report on Nutrition and Health stated that correcting dietary choices might lessen cancer risk by at least 35 to 60%. The National Cancer Institute made a move to open a Cancer Research Laboratory focused in exploring the role of diet in cancer prevention and treatment.
Free radicals are incomplete unstable molecule with missing electrons that steal electrons from another molecule. This creates a chain reaction of events that could result to a gain or lose of electrons from healthy molecules. The lose or gain process weakens the whole structure and damaged the cell membrane, tissue, organs, enzyme, or protein. You must be aware that there are certain parts of the body that are more susceptible to damage than others do.
Free radicals can attack and damage cells from the inside or outside of the cell. The main target is the mitochondria, Golgi functions, and the nuclear membrane. The damage to genetic material or DNA and RNA are being linked to cancer and cell abnormalities. Free radicals damage fatty compounds circulating in the blood stream. This causes damage because it releases more free radicals in the chain reaction. Free radicals destroy protein as you may see in cataract formation, kidney damage, and damage to haemoglobin cells including aging or collagen breakdown.
Free radicals create cross-linking, damage molecules, and make the cells split off to repair the injury. The cells could then rejoin with others to reform and reshape themselves. Cross-linkages cause aging and wrinkles. Free radicals cause proteins to fuse. An altered DNA creates useless debris and most of the time produces cancerous cells. They also react to form age pigments that could accumulate over time and interfere with cell function and life processes.
When the free radicals destroy cell membranes, they tend to interfere with the ability of the cell to absorb nutrients and expel waste products. In the absence of this ability, most cell dies. Any damage on cell membranes could lead to numerous degenerative problems and accelerated aging. Free radicals are the main cause of at least 80 different diseases such as heart disease and stroke, diabetes, macular degeneration, arthritis and lupus, pancreatitis, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, cataracts, allergies, asthma, neuropathy, inflammatory conditions, and Alzheimers and other neuro-degenerative diseases. Free radicals facilitate aging. For your anti aging care, you need to know that aging results from the loss of vital cells produced from free radical reactions. With each cell destroyed, you become one cell older since it cannot renew itself.
Fruits and vegetables protective relationship
Several studies demonstrated the intake of fruits and vegetables showed protective relationship to cancers of the lung, colon, breast, cervix, esophagus, mouth, throat, stomach, bladder, pancreas, and ovary. TheUSSurgeon General recommends 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. They are to be eaten raw or cooked. Most preferable way of cooking is lightly steamed and not microwaved. Microwave can destroy their delicate balance of anticarcinogenic ingredients.
Antioxidants nutrients possess the ability to destroy free radicals and prevent further free radical damage. Antioxidants help alleviate many diseases symptoms and side effects. Having low level of antioxidants will increase free radical activities, which are clearly associated with increased health problems. Taking antioxidant supplements can decrease risks for cancer, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, macular degeneration, neuropathy, and other circulatory problems or degenerative conditions. You must know that being constantly exposed to environmental free radicals is a major contributor to the production of free radicals in the body.
Ley, B. M. (1998). Phytonutrients: Medicinal nutrients found in food. Ca: BL Publications.
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With IBS, there are times you feel unwell and seem out of control. There are several things that you can do to reduce the negative effects of the GI disorder. You still can alter the course and impact of your condition if you start eating the right food and avoid the trigger. Cook your vegetables properly and eat canned fruits with light juice or syrup only. This will reduce bloating or gas development.
Vegetables for reducing symptoms of IBS
You may try cooking the following vegetables to help you feel as good as possible
AsparagusBeetsMushroomsPotatoesCarrotsGreen peasZucchiniSquashPumpkinTry the following fruits to successfully manage your condition
Peeled applesCanned fruitsSoft, ripe bananasGrapefruit or grapefruit juicePeachesPearsKiwiNectarineOrange or orange juiceMost pediatricians recommend the BRAT diet. BRAT means banana, rice, applesauce, and toast. However, you can successfully manage your IBS by eating bland foods. Bland foods could be in the form of boiled or poached eggs, gelatin, and crackers. Do not forget to prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water. Noncolonic symptoms of IBS include
BackacheTirednessNauseaVomitingHeartburnPain when having sexPain when urinatingDepressionAnxietyExtreme pain in abdomenMost people suffer extreme pain in abdomen or cramping, which is the most unpleasant symptom of IBS that drives people to visit their doctors. The pain is nagging and sharp. Sometimes, it is heavy and dull that comes on in waves. This is usually worse on the left hand side of the body. Going to the toilet is only a short-lived relief.
Types of IBS
The three main types of IBS are the constipation predominant IBS, diarrhea predominant IBS, and the mixed type IBS or alternating constipation and diarrhea. The type of IBS you have dictates the way in which your disorder should be treated. The most common is the mixed type of IBS, which affects approximately 39% of IBS sufferers.
IBS is a chronic long-term condition that might remain with you for the rest of your life. Here are 5 things you need to know about IBS
IBS affects millions of people across the globeIt is the most common GI disorderIBS will not develop into cancerIBS is rarely caused by food allergiesIt is also known as spastic colon, spastic colitis, nervous diarrhea, nervous colon, or mucus colitis.No one knows what really causes IBS. Ultimately, it is seen as people either process their food or digestion more slowly or quickly. This means that management process may start with lifestyle changes or plainly prescribed medications. The goal is to tailor the best possible care suited to your condition.
What are the types of food that you may eat for your anti aging care?
You need to first follow a high fiber diet with low fat eating approach. The foods rich in fiber will prevent you from constipating. Learn to handle stress. Follow the BRAT diet. Remember, that you may not be able to tolerate spices such as chili powder, hot chili peppers, hot sauce, spicy barbeque sauce, curry, and ginger if you have an IBS. There are 2 kinds of fiber, namely the soluble fiber and the insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber slows the absorption of glucose, prevents obesity, helps in weight management, easily dissolves in water, and lessens the blood cholesterol level. The insoluble fiber prevents hemorrhoids, prevents constipation, and facilitates the passage of food along the digestive system. After you will be diagnosed with IBS, your doctor will recommend treatment that is appropriate for you. You could at least take 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day. The American Dietetic Association recommended this amount. You can obtain this by taking in whole grains, eating fiber rich foods, and vegetables.
Examples of soluble fiber foods
BeansFruitsVegetablesOatsLegumesNutsPsylliumApplesOrangesStrawberriesCitrus fruitsCarrotsSoybeansRaisinsBeetsFlax seedsDatesApricotsExamples of insoluble fiber foods
GrainsGreen leafy vegetablesSeedsNutsCorn branWhole wheatFruit skinsReferences
Bull, E. & Stevens, R. (2006). Irritable bowel symptoms.UK: CSF Medical Communications Ltd.
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Do you want to lose weight effectively at cellular level? These anti aging care fat weight loss tips are easy to follow but needs a lot of discipline to be consistent. You can ignore reading labels for fat content if you want to follow this technique. However, you need to make sure that you eat lots of protein, fruits, and vegetables for the rest of your life.
Is less food, more fat to lose a good principle to follow as one of your fat weight loss tips?
You can work on your catabolism by eating less. Eating less food triggers your body’s most powerful catabolic process. One of the most effective techniques that you may read and follow from several fat weight loss tips is eating less and taking food on time. Never miss a meal but eat less. This technique not only helps you lose weight but also helps you build lean muscle mass. Fortunately, when you eat less, you increases your primal biological compensation mechanism because of the limited food ingested.
Here is the good thing about eating less. You trigger your body’s primal biological compensation mechanism when you eat less. Eating less also helps your body adapt and survive during the periods when you are suffering from food deprivation. Your body considers the act of eating less as food deprivation. However, you should understand that some studies correlate growth hormones with hunger. Hunger stimulates growth hormones, which results to stimulation of tissue and muscle building hormones. This means that if you want to build lean muscle mass as part of your anti aging care, then you need to discipline yourself and start eating less.
Eating less is a powerful dietary cycle to build lean muscle mass
One thing that you should remember about your body is to avoid reaching the peak of your metabolism. This implies that you need to observe and determine your peak metabolism level to avoid metabolic decline as well as to prevent inducing muscle breakdown. It is best that you control the duration of your under eating or eating less to maximum of 24 hours only. Eat less for up to 24 hours only and should not exceed the 24 hour duration. You will find losing weight and building muscle mass better and faster when you integrate special recovery meals after any intense physical activity such as after resistance training. This helps promote the metabolic effect on your muscles.
What is the role of the cell in weight loss and building muscle mass for your anti aging care?
Your cell is the major key player in repairing your body tissues. It is also responsible for the growth of your muscle mass. The energy produced from your catabolic activity is delivered to the cell. Catabolic reactions from catabolism produce energy, ATP, urea, ammonia, water, and carbon dioxide. ATP is released from the catabolic activity. ATP is commonly called as the adenosine triphosphate compound. It is a product of the synthesized energy from catabolic reactions. The ATP functions to support cellular functions. Contraction of your muscle tissues and fibers including synthesis of other compounds are included during the cellular process. Selecting the appropriate fat weight loss tips to build lean muscle mass for your anti aging care requires a bit of knowledge on the way your cells work on your body.
Garrett, R. & Grisham, C. M. (2010). Biochemistry.Boston, Ma: Brooks/Cole.
Hofmekler, O. & Gallagher, M. (2008). Maximum muscle, minimum fat: The secret science behind physical transformation. Berkeley, Ca:North AtlanticBooks.
If you like the information contained in this article, you may want to donate here for research efforts Get sexy, lose fats, work out your body curves, get flat abs, and look HOT! If you think you need to order articles for your website optimization page ranking strategy, please contact Shirley Bongbong +639176283668 Go for flat abs, lose weight quickly, be smart, BE HOT!Phytonutrients as cancer alternative treatment to kill cancer cells

Can phytonutrients really kill cancer cells if used as cancer alternative treatment? What are phytonutrients, what do they do, and where do we find them?
Don’t you know that part of maximizing your health is trying to take as much phytonutrients as you can? This is the best anti aging care you can find that could also kill cancer cells if used as cancer alternative treatment. The technique is very simple. Eat a lot and a variety of fruits and vegetables in all colors everyday. You may take green, red, yellow orange, or bluish purple fruits and vegetable everyday. Taking variety of fruits and vegetables everyday allows you to also take variety of phytonutrients that may potentially increase your wellbeing by increasing your body’s immune system or disease prevention powers. In other words, eating fruits and vegetables everyday is one solid approach to enhance immune system.
Phytonutrients effectively prevent countless diseases and have been found to be one of the low cost cancer alternative treatment natural ingredients that could potentially kill cancer cells
The question is: How does this work? Phytonutrients reverse many forms of illnesses, strengthen and enhance immune system, improve cellular functioning, promote energy levels, slow the aging process, and restore balanced weight. Let me share some common roles of this nature healer
Proanthocyanidin phytonutrients as cancer alternative treatment
This phytonutrient treats allergies, protects the brain and nervous system from toxins, used to potentially cure cancer and kill cancer cells specifically breast cancer, and prevents development of heart disease. The primary sources are dark red to purple colored fruits such as blueberries, cranberries, cherries, grapes, raspberries, and strawberries. You may also take almonds, peanuts, cocoa, and apples.
Quercetin phytonutrient as cancer alternative treatment
This phytonutrient treats allergies, asthma, bronchitis, and kill cancer cells if used as cancer alternative treatment especially prostate cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, and cervical cancer. You may also use this to treat lung disorders, rhinitis, and sinusitis. The primary sources are apples, berries, cabbage, cauliflower, nuts, onions, and tea.
Resveratrol phytonutrient to potentially kill cancer cells as cancer alternative treatment
Resveratrol treats Alzheimer’s disease and other brain diseases, helps kill cancer cells if used as cancer alternative treatment, protects against the effects of chemotherapy, protects against damage to genetic material, prevents heart diseases, treats inflammatory conditions, treats diabetes, prevents stroke, and helps in liver detoxification. The primary sources are blueberries, purple, red grapes, purple grape juice, mulberries, peanuts, and red wine.
Rutin phytonutrients for blood vessels
This phytonutrient strengthens blood vessels, promotes the health of your capillary system, treats circulatory disorders, prevents diabetic retinopathy, prevents eye disorders, prevents heart diseases, and helps you manage your cholesterol levels. The primary sources are citrus fruits, red apples, apricots, bilberry fruit, blackberries, broccoli, buckwheat, cherries, black currants, grapes, nuts, onions, peppers, plums, prunes, rose hips, and tea.
Saponins phytonutrients
This treats cancer and has been known as the best cancer alternative treatment for colon cancer. This phytonutrient also helps you manage your cholesterol levels. The primary sources are chickpeas or garbanzo beans and soybeans.
Silymarin phytonutrients
This phytonutrient has been known to treat inflammatory conditions, liver conditions, cancer, and aids in liver detoxification. The primary sources are milk thistle seeds.
Sulforaphane phytonutrients
This phytonutrient is best cancer alternative treatment for those with prostate cancer and those who are classified as estrogen dependent cancer. This phytonutrient aids in liver detoxification, reduces weight, and prevents obesity. The primary sources are bok choy, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, dark leafy green vegetables, kale, ad other cruciferous vegetables.
Tangeretin phytonutrients
This phytonutrient is best for the brain nervous system disorders and Parkinson’s disease. The tangeretin phytonutrient has been used to treat cancer especially leukemia and to aid in controlling high cholesterol. The primary sources are citrus fruits, lemons, oranges, and tangerines.
Tannins phytonutrients
This phytonutrient has been used to cure bacterial infections, treat bowel conditions, diarrhea, and improve DNA health. The primary sources are berries, nettle herb, tea, and wine aged in oak barrels.
Terpene limonoids phytonutrients
This phytonutrient is great for controlling high cholesterol and viruses. This also aids in liver detoxification and cure cancer. The primary sources are citrus fruits, lemon, grapefruit, limes, and oranges.
Zeaxanthin phytonutrients
This is useful for repairing DNA damage and other age related macular degeneration. The primary sources are apricots, broccoli, carrots, collargs, eggs, leafy greens, kale, mangoes, papayas, peaches, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach, squash, and tomatoes.
Cook, M. S. (2010). The phytozyme cure: Treat or reverse more than 30 serious health conditions with powerful plant nutrients.Ontario: John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd.
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Coconut oil treatment helps prevent hair loss and stimulates the growth of balding or thinning hair. One testimony written by a woman experiencing hair loss reported that she used the virgin coconut oil for anti aging care and hair loss prevention. The falling hair problem took off in a matter of 3 months. A man experiencing receding hairline reported that after a few weeks of using the virgin coconut oil, he noticed the receding hairline filling in.
Virgin coconut oil anti aging care and hair growth treatment solution
Countless generations used the virgin coconut oil as healing medicine and nourishing food. Ancient medical texts described the therapeutic use of the oil in their lives and regarded it as sacred food because it became the most common, essential, basic ingredient for nearly all of their traditional therapies and treatments. Coconut oil is used as basic ingredient in baby formula, medicine, hospital feeding formula, weight loss aid, and sports and fitness products. In alternative medicine, coconut oil has been known to prevent and treat high cholesterol, psoriasis, diabetes, allergies, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure, candida, arthritis, herpes, and influenza.
Concern over hair loss prevention and hair growth treatment has plagued men and women across the centuries. Oiling the hair is the most common practice among Asians, Egyptians, Polynesians, and Indians to stimulate hair growth and maintain thicker hair. One study reported oil application helps in specific types of hair loss.
In 1998, a group of researchers fromScotlandreported the outcome of their randomized study about the effects of aromatherapy in the lives of patients suffering from alopecia areata. Alopecia areata is a condition where the immune system of the body attacks healthy hair producing cells. There were 19 out of 43 patients, which is about 44% of the group showed improvement.
Studies shown that coconut oil helps prevent combing damage and improves the appearance of the hair and scalp. The Journal of Cosmetic Science reported a study about the effects of coconut oil on hair health. The study compared coconut oil against sunflower oil and mineral oil. The findings reported that coconut oil created stronger impact to hair than the other two known oils. Coconut oil was identified as the only one that reduces protein loss for both damaged and undamaged hair. It was used as pre-wash or post-wash grooming product. The difference could be attributed to the composition of the coconut oil. The sunflower oil and the mineral oil did not effect any reduction in terms of protein loss.
What makes coconut oil effective in hair growth treatment for anti aging care?
Coconut oil is rich in medium chain triglycerides. Because of this component, it is able to penetrate deeply and easily inside the shaft of the hair. This makes the hair protected from protein loss and results to more body. The study concluded that only the coconut oil has the right properties to protect the hair from protein loss and hair damage. The oil is therefore, the best oil to use for your hair anti aging care.
Coconut oil can do wonders for your hair such as enriching natural color, enhancing hair shine and luster, supporting healthy luster, preventing premature graying, preventing baldness, maintaining health of scalp, and controlling dandruff. You may follow the following formula and technique for your hair treatment
Massage 1 or 2 teaspoons of coconut oil to your hair and scalp until the scalp is completely soak in oil. However, not to the extent that it is already dripping wet.Let it soak for at least 15 to 60 minutes. The longer you can do this, the better would be the results.Do this hair loss prevention treatment before you shower in the morning.Another option is to apply the coconut oil at night before you go to bed. You will need a shower cap to sleep with it on. Wash your hair in the morning. You will be delighted at how shiny and bright your hair looks after washing.
Coconut oil anti aging care conditioner for thicker hair
Coconut oil has long history being used as hair conditioner by most women in the islands. The women appear to have thicker, richer colored hair.
Coconut milk for anti aging care alternative to coconut oil
Coconut milk is often used interchangeably with coconut oil. It has been popularly known as excellent hair conditioner that outrightly gives hair a boost for body and luster. People used coconut milk in the same way as they would use the coconut oil. It has been reported that using coconut milk promotes hair growth. Some claimed that if your hair is beginning to turn into gray, the new growth comes out with the natural hair color. After each treatment, you will notice that the color of your hair becomes darker and richer. A few drops of coconut oil after washing your hair will give it extra luster by following this simple technique
Rub a few drops of coconut oil into your palm.Brush it to your hair and scalp using your fingertips.References
Fife, B. (2005). Coconut cures: Preventing and treating common health problems with coconut. Colorado Springs, Co: Piccadilly Books Ltd.
Fife, B. (2006). Virgin coconut oil: Nature’s miracle medicine. Colorado Springs, Co: Piccadilly Books Ltd.
Rassman, W. R. & Bernstein, R. (2009). Hair loss and replacement for dummies.Hoboken,NJ: Wily Publishing Inc.
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